Access Bank Plc is a financial institution with presence in 9 countries in Africa and the United Kingdom and in all major cities in Nigeria. Also referred to as the Africa’s Bank of Best Practice, Access Bank operates on a platform of strong ethics, governance and professionalism.
Applications are invited for the 2023 Entry Level Trainee Programme (Tech)
Are you driven, confident and enthusiastic about the banking sector? Do you want to pursue your passion as a career? Are you prepared to assist us on our mission to establish a top-tier financial institution?
- Bachelor’s Degree from a reputable university with a minimum of Second-Class Lower Division (2:2).
- Must be a graduate of any STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) discipline and Economics.
- The recruitment process is location specific so carefully choose your most preferred location.
- You are also to select ONE from the following programs and apply. Note that you are apply to a program that you are eligible for.
- Applications must be completed online and should not be duplicated. Duplicate applications will be deemed invalid. Please review and ensure accuracy and completeness of all information provided on your application form before you submit. False information given during the application process or afterward will result in automatic disqualification.
Important Notice:
- Access Bank does not demand payment from applicants. Application is free.
- Access Bank does not assign agents to assist applicants in processing applications in this category.
- Only successful candidates at each stage of the exercise will be contacted.
- Only applications submitted through the Access Bank job portal are valid.
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