About us

Who We Are

Jobspaddy is a platform of people who have talents and professional skills, and clients in need of those skills. The protocol and stress of many popular freelance websites has frustrated many freelancers and clients. This is one of the major motivations for the creation of Jobspaddy- to break the barriers and bridge the gap between talented freelancers and clients at minimal cost and stress. At Jobspaddy a freelancer can post the services they offer for free and even get hired without paying a dime, with options to upgrade to suit their needs. A client can hire the services of a freelancer for free and spend only on the cost of the services rendered. Companies and candidates looking to a formal employment arrangement will enjoy our careers section where they can manage resumes, create job alerts, etc.

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Waste no more of your time and resources looking for a place to get that perfect candidate or that dream job, Try Jobspaddy today, we have got you covered!

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