Bold Studios

Bold Studios


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Bold Studios

Bold Studios

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About Us

Bold was built from the ground up to understand what’s next for businesses by making sense of how the greatest technological and societal shifts of our time will shape the way we live.

We believe that cultural relevance is the most important driver of business in today’s economy. We help brands synchronise with culture using 24/7 intelligence to identify internet trends, territories and creative opportunities. Our data driven newsroom sees us draw on hundreds of data sources in real-time to help radically improve the speed and relevance of creative ideas. We’re cultural analysts, at our very core is a dedicated understanding of consumers’ desires, cultural drivers and our clients’ business need.

Our content strategies are rooted in the art of storytelling and anchored by data. We help our clients create a dynamic social presence with strategies that are designed to fuel engagement, build a community of loyal followers and increase share of voice. Because change is the only constant, we pride ourselves on having a deep understanding of the ever-shifting technology, tools and platforms that power social and content marketing. But most importantly, we know that one size doesn’t fit all and the key to success is forming personalised, authentic and ongoing connections.

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