Create Account

How to register

1. Visit Our  Homepage

2. Click the Join icon on the right at the top of the page as in the screen below;

3. You can register with your Facebook and Twitter accounts or your email account. Choose one.



A. When choosing Facebook or Twitter you’ll be taken to an authentication page to authorize the connection. Once approved you’ll be brought back to our site where you’ll complete the registration by putting your email, username and password. Then proceed to step 4.

B. If you register with your email direct, you’ll be asked to input your email username and password. Then proceed to step 4.

4. You’ll get a code in your email to activate your account. Check your spam box if you do not see it within 5 minutes.  Make sure to add our email to your contacts to avoid having our emails always entering your spam box.

5. If you see the email in your spam box, mark it “not spam” and add us to your email contacts. The activation link may not show, you might need to reload the email after moving it out of spam box, or go login to your account on our site and request for another activation email, which is expected not to enter spam box if you followed step 4.

6. Activate your account by clicking on the link in your email.

7. Login to your account and fill up your details. Check through and fill every field.

You can get more details here


Last Update: December 31, 2020  

December 31, 2020  Account, Clients, Freelancers  
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